Resources and Publications



Demir, E., Horton, E.W., Kareer, A., Collins, D.M., Mostafavi, M. and Knowles D. (2023) A finite element method to calculate geometrically necessary dislocation density: Accounting for orientation discontinuities in polycrystals. Acta Materialia [Online] 245, 118658.

Flint, T.F., Robson, J.D., Parivendhan, G. and Caradiff, P. (2023) laserbeamFoam: Laser ray-tracing and thermally induced state transition simulation toolkit. SoftwareX [Online] 21, 101299.

Mokhtarishirazabad, M., McMillan, M., Vijayanand, V.D., Simpson, C., Agius, D., Truman, C., Knowles, D. and Mostafavi, M. (2023) Predicting residual stress in a 316L electron beam weld joint incorporating plastic properties derived from a crystal plasticity finite element model. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping [Online] 201, 104868.


Horton, E.W., Demir, E., Agius, D., Kareer, A., Collins, D.M., Mostafavi, M. and Knowles D. (2023) The inclusion and role of micro mechanical residual stress on deformation of stainless steel type 316L at grain level. Materials Science and Engineering: A [Online] 876, 145096.

Dorward, H.M.J., Peel, M.J. and Mostafavi, M. Predicting the macroscopic cyclic behaviour of polycrystalline steels based on material microstructure via surrogate modelling: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15). Atlanta, Georgia USA, 11-26th July 2023.


Rissaki, D.K., Benardos, P.G., Vosniakos, G.-C., Smith, M.C. and Vasileiou, A.N. (2023) Residual stress prediction of arc welded austenitic pipes with artificial neural network ensemble using experimental data. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping [Online] 204, 104954.


Demir, E., Horton, E.W., Mokhtarishirazabad, M., Mostafavi, M. and Knowles D. (2023) Grain size and shape dependent crystal plasticity finite element model and its application to electron beam welded SS316L. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids [Online] 178, 105331.

Flint, T. F., Dutilleul, T. and Kyffin, W. (2023) A fundamental investigation into the role of beam focal point, and beam divergence, on thermo-capillary stability and evolution in electron beam welding applications. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [Online] 212, 124262.

Rissaki, D.K., Vasileiou, A.N., Smith, M.C., Muránsky, O., Benardos, P.G. and Vosniakos, G.-C. (2023) Establishing an automated heat-source calibration framework. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 13. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, pp. 221-236.


Kowles, D., Demir, E., Smith, M.C., Yankova, M.S., Vasileiou, A.N., Rissaki, D.K., Wilcox, P., Kumar, D., Mokhtarishirazabad, M. and Mostafavi, M. (2023) Bridging Length Scales Efficiently Through Surrogate Modelling: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. Atlanta, Georgia USA, 16-21 July 2023. ASME.

Horton, E.W., Spadotto, J.C., Smith, A.D., Donoghue, J.M. Knowles, D. Connolly, B., Pickering, E.J. and Mostafavi, M. (2023) Validation of Deformation in Crystal Plasticity When Modelling 316H Stainless Steel for Use in Pressure Vessels: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. Atlanta, Georgia USA, 16-21 July 2023. ASME.




Salvini, M., Grilli, N., Demir, E., He, S., Martin, T.L., Flewitt, P.E.J, Mostafavi, M., Truman, C. and Knowles, D. (2024) Effect of grain boundary misorientation and carbide precipitation on damage initiation: A coupled crystal plasticity and phase field damage study. International Journal of Plasticity [Online] 172, 103854.


Narowlansky, Z., Mostafavi, M., Pavier, M., Mokhtarishirazabad, M. and Budden, P. (2024) The effect of welding on brittle fracture: A statistical investigation. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping [Online] 208, 105144. 


He, S., Horton, E.W., Moore, S., Galliopoulou, E., Thomas, P.J., Fernandez-Caballero, A., Elmukashfi, E., Salvini, M., Mostafavi, M., Knowles, D., Flewitt, P.E.J. and Martin, T.L. (2024) A correlative approach to evaluating the links between local microstructural parameters and creep initiated cavities. Materials & Design [Online] 241, 112905.


Esmati, P., Flint, T.F., Akyel, F., Olschok, S., Reisgen, U., Caradiff, P., Larrosa, N.O. and Grilli, N. (2024) Simulating chemical mixing and molten pool shape in dissimilar welds using thermal fluid dynamics. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [Online] 226, 125449.


Ashraf, F., Ramadhan, R.S., Mamun, A.A., Ball, J.A.D., Demir. E., Connolley, T., Collins, D.M., Mostafavi, M. and Knowles, D. Investigating grain-resolved evolution of lattice strains during plasticity and creep using 3DXRD and crystal plasticity modelling. Acta Materialia [Online] 278, 120250.


Dorward, H., Knowles, D. M., Demir, E., Mostafavi, M. and Peel, M. J. (2024) Calibration and surrogate model-based sensitivity analysis of crystal plasticity finite element models. Materials & Design [Online] 247, 113409.  


Lee, J., Tasdemir, B., Das, S., Martin, M., Knowles, D., and Mostafavi, M. (2024) Productive automation of calibration processes for crystal plasticity model parameters via reinforcement learning. Materials & Design [Online] 248, 113470.